Tender Notice for Cooling centrifuge (2 No.), BOD
incubator, Automatic Tissue Homogenizer, Inverted microscope, Inverted
Fluorescence Microscope and CO2 incubator at School of Biotechnology
Re-Tender Advertisment for Paper Purchase
Re-Tenders Notice Regarding Paper Purchase
Corrigendum - II: Online Tenders Notice Regarding Security Guard
Corrigendum - I: Online Tenders Notice Regarding Security Guard
Online Tenders Notice Regarding Security Guard
Advertisment for Paper Purchase
Tenders Notice Regarding Paper Purchase
Tender Notice for High-end workstation and Perpetual License of CST Studio SuiteTM at School of Physics
Tender Notice for Tent House
Tender Notice for Gold and Silver Medal Making
Corrigendum for Providing the Service of Cleaning Worker
Re-Tender Advertisement for Providing the Service of Cleaning Worker
E-tender Advertisement for Providing the Service of Cleaning Worker
Tender Notice Regarding DAVV Hostels Mess Dated 01/07/2024
Notice Regarding Bid Opening for Answer Sheet Purchase Dated: 02.05.2024
Notice Regarding Bid Opening for Answer Sheet Purchase
Corrigendum 3: Tenders Notice Regarding Answer Sheet Purchase Dated:15.03.2024
Tenders Notice Regarding Desktop Computers at Store
Corrigendum 2: Tenders Notice Regarding Answer Sheet Purchase
Open Bid Enquiry for Supply of Desktop Computers
Tenders Notice Regarding Paper Purchase
Corrigendum 1: Tenders Notice Regarding Answer Sheet Purchase
Tenders Notice Regarding Answer Sheet Purchase
E-tender Notice for the purchase of FT-IR spectrometer with accessories (1 No.) at School of Pharmacy
Tenders Notice for Campus Wide Network Management & Services at IT Centre
Tenders Notice for Purchase of License Software Subscription bundle for UTM firewall
at IT Centre
Tenders Notice for leased VPN connectivity (Dead OFC based leased line service)
between IT Centre to Nalanda Campus , and IT Centre to IET-Pharmacy campus at IT
Bid Invited for Pre-Printed Marksheet through GeM Portal
Quotation Call Letter for Supply of Internet HEX POE and POE Ejector Power Supply at IT Center, DAVV
Quotation Call Letter Iron Cage Box for Protecting Indoor WiFi Access Points at IT Center, DAVV
Iron Cage Box Drawing
Tender Notice Regarding Accomudation at Directorate Of Physical Education & Sports
Tender Notice Regarding DAVV Hostels Mess Dated 07/08/2023
Tender Notice Regarding DAVV Hostels Mess
Tender Notice Regarding Server Antivirus Software at IT Centre
Tender Notice Regarding Server Antivirus Software at IT Centre
Tender Notice for Vehicle Rent Services( Tender B)
Tender Notice for Gold and Silver Medal Making
Tender Notice for Purchase of Envelopes
Tender Notice for Vehicle Rent Services( Tender A)
Re-Tender Notice for Purchase of White Cream Wove Paper, Printing
Press, DAVV, Indore
Advertisement for Re-Tender Notice for Purchase of White Cream Wove Paper, Printing
Press, DAVV, Indore
Tender Notice for Hiring Hiring vehicles for Per Month
Tender Notice for Hiring Hiring vehicles for Per Kilometer
Tender Notice for Hiring of Semi Skilled , Skilled and High Skilled Workers at DAVV, Indore
Re- Tender Notice for Manufacturing of Answer Sheets, Printing Press,
DAVV, Indore
Tender Notice for Manufacturing of Answer Sheets, Printing Press,
DAVV, Indore
Tender Notice Regarding Fourth Class Employee Dress Stitch Rate
Online Tender Notice Regarding Printing and Supply Degree/Diploma/Certificates
Tender Notice Regarding Specifications of Pre-Printed Marksheet at Computer Center
Tender Notice Regarding Out Sourcing and Degree Format
Sealed quotations are invited for 'Nanodrop-fluorometer' at School of Biotechnology
Re-Tender Notice for Gold and Silver Medals
Retender 2 -RFP for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV, Indore
Notice Regarding EOI CDOE Offline On Campus Presentation
Retender-RFP for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV, Indore
Quotation Call Letter at IT Centre
Technical Bid Meeting for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV Dated 30.11.2021
RFP for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV, Indore
Pre-bid Clarification for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV
Tender Document For Laptop (Mac O.S.) at HRDC
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Selection of Agency for Setting up Technical, Academic and Support Infrastructure for Development, Launch and Management of Online Programs
Notice Regarding Track Suit 2021-2022
Notice Regarding Tender Cancellation at CDOE
CORRIGENDUM for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Selection of Agency for Setting up Technical, Academic and Support Infrastructure for Development, Launch and Management of Online Programs (Cancelled)
Quotation Calling for Blank New Markeet at Computer Centre, DAVV
Corrigendum: Tender Notice for House Keeping
Tender Notice for House Keeping
Tender Notice for Vehicle Rent Services (Tender A)
Tender Notice for Vehicle Rent Services (Tender B)
Notice: Financial Bid Opening of Tender Inquiry ID: 2020_DAVV_100688_1
Notice: Financial Bid Opening of Tender Inquiry ID: 2020_DAVV_100639_1
Notice: Financial Bid Opening of Tender Inquiry ID: 2020_DAVV_100105_1
Tender Notice Campus Wide Network Management & Services at IT Centre, DAVV
Tender Notice UTM firewall with License Software Subscription Bundle at IT Centre, DAVV
Bid Opening Date Notice for Security Services Tender
Tender Notice for Leased VPN Connectivity (Dead OFC based leased line service) between IT Centre to Nalanda Campus, and IT Centre to IET-Pharmacy Campus
Online Tender Notice for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Desktop Computers on Non-Comprehensive Basis at IT Centre, DAVV
Online Tender Notice for Server Security and Antivirus
Tender Notification for Security Services
Corrigendum 2: Tender Notice for Security Services
Corrigendum 1: Tender Notice for Security Services
Tender Notice for Security Services
Tender Notice Regarding Electronic and Electrical Waste
Tender Notice for Vehicle Rent Services (Tender A)
Tender Notice for Vehicle Rent Services (Tender B)
Tender Notice for Blazer Stitching 2017-2018 & 2018-2019
Tender Notice for AMC of Campus Wide Network and Services at IT Centre, DAVV
Cancellation Tender Notice Regarding Hiring Vehicle
Tender Notice Regarding AMC for CCTV Camera
Tender Notice Regarding Hiring Vehicle of Per K.M.
Tender Notice Regarding Hiring Vehicle Per Month
Revised Tender Notice for Badminton Court Flooring
Tender Notice for Gold and Silver Medals
Tender Notice for Badminton Court Flooring
Corrigendum: Online Tender Notice for Purchasing Stationery
Online Tender Notice for Purchasing Stationery
Online Tender Notice for Purchasing Envelopes
Meeting Notice Regarding House Keeping Tender
Extended Tender Submission Notice for House Keeping
Tender Notice Regarding House Keeping
Corrigendum: Tender Notice Regarding Paper Purchasing
Tender Notice Regarding LED Projector at IT Centre, DAVVV
Quotation Call Letter for 12 Core Single Mode Optical Cable Unarmored at IT Centre, DAVV
Tender Notice for Furniture Purchasing
Quotation Call Letter for Renewal of Subscription of Fortinet UTM Firewall at IT Centre, DAVV
Tender Notice Regarding Polythene Bags
Tender Notice for "Procurement of Computer Servers & Server Rack" at IET, DAVV
Tender Notice for "Networking in Computer Laboratory" at IET, DAVV
Tender Notice for Transmition and reflection polarizing microscope at IET, DAVV
Tender Notice for PCB Prototyping Machine at IET, DAVV
Tender Notice for NETSIM Network Simulation and Emulation Software Standard (R&D) at IET, DAVV
Tender Notice for Multimedia Projectors at IET, DAVV
Tender Notice for Measuring and Testing Instruments at IET, DAVV
Tender Notice for Electronic Workbench at IET, DAVV
Closed Tender Inquiry for Purchase of Maplitho Paper at Printing Press DAVV, Indore
Addendum to Tender Document No. CLIB/Tender/2018-19/693, Tender ID: 2019-DAVV-4837-1
Notification for Technical Qualified Bidder
Addendum to Tender Document No. DAVV/CC/ACC/2019 and Tender ID No. 2019_DAVV_1705_1
Addendum to Tender Document No. DAVV/CC/EXAM/2019 and Tender ID No. 2019_DAVV_1831_1
Corrigendum : Tender Document No. DAVV/CC/OMR and Tender ID No. 2019_DAVV_23510_1
Corrigendum: Software Devt and AMC for Examination Results System
Corrigendum: Software Development and AMC of Accounting System
Corrigendum: DAVV/ITC/SERVER/2018-19/1
Corrigendum: DAVV/ITC/ Core Switch/2018-19/2
Addendum to Tender Document No. DAVV/ITC/SERVER/2018-19/1 and Tender
ID No. 2019_DAVV_1954_1
ITEM: Server with storage and virtualization software
Corrigendum - Purchase of White Cream Wove Paper, Printing Press, DAVV, Indore
Closed Tender Notice for Purchase CCTV System at School of Pharmacy
Tender Notice for Printing Annual Report 1000 Copies
Tender Notice for OMR Sheet
Tender Notice for Purchase of White Cream Wove Paper, Printing Press, DAVV, Indore
Revised Tender Detailed and Notice Document for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV
Revised Tender Detailed and Notice Document for Software Development and AMC for Examination Results Processing for DAVV
Revised Tender Detailed and Notice Document for Software Development and AMC for Accounting System for DAVV
Revised Tender Notice for Purchase of Core Switch and software at IT Center, Devi AhilyaVishwavidyalaya, Indore
Revised Tender Notice for Purchase of Server with Storage and Virtualization Software at IT Center, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore.
Notice Regarding Bid Inquiries-Extension
Quotation Call Letter for Annual Maintenance contract for Haier Air Conditioner at IT Centre
Tender for PPM (Pre-printed Mark sheet ) Stationary